It's Not Rocket Science - Building the TWA Moonliner from scratch.

This isn’t a full post. I just wanted to share one of my current projects.

This is Disneyland’s Moonliner. Originally sponsored by TWA. If i remember correctly I was removed in 1966 when they rebuilt Tomorrowland. You can read the whole story here if you’re interested.

Mission to the Moon

Mission to the Moon


I always loved this rocket so I decided to make a scale model of it in what little free time I have. So I’m currently building up a 3D model so I can print it out. Eventually.

It’s taking shape!

It’s taking shape!


Because I want to print this at an obscene size, I’m trying to add in as much detail as I can. Which I’m finding hard to do as there aren’t many detailed photos of the details I need clarification on. I may have to fudge it a bit.

I’ll post more as I fill in the gaps.